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Manifesto of Studies a.a. 2023/2024

The following are the teachings of the bachelor's programme, arranged by year of study.
It should be noted that the following articulation of teaching is valid for students enrolling from the academic year 2023-2024 onwards, and that this is also explicitly stated in the Study Manifesto.
Details of the programme are available in the Student Guide (pdf) and the Programme Regulations (pdf).
Details of teaching can be found in the List of Teaching Sheets (pdf).
All other students should refer to the Manifesto of Studies for the academic year in which they are enrolled, which is available in the archive.

There is no coursework for the English language examination. Credits are obtained through procedures established by the University Language Centre. The 3 CFUs do not give a grade, only an eligibility.
To find out the dates and locations of the exams and to register for them, go to the website of the University Language Centre (CLA) www.cla.unina.it and go to the section "Dates and locations of the exams - Departmental placement test".

I Year
I Semester   II Semester
Analisi Matematica I 9 cfu it   Analisi Matematica 9 cfu it
Geometria e Algebra 6 cfu it   Chimica 6 cfu it
Disegno Tecnico Industriale 6 cfu it   Elementi di Informatica 6 cfu it
Lingua inglese 3 cfu en   Fisica Generale I 9 cfu it
II Year
I Semester   II Semester
Fisica Matematica 6 cfu it   Strutture Aerospaziali 9 cfu it
Gasdinamica - modulo: Termofluidodinamica 6 cfu it   Gasdinamica - modulo: Gasdinamica 6 cfu it
Sistemi Aerospaziali - modulo: Sistemi Aerospaziali I 6 cfu it   Sistemi Aerospaziali - modulo: Sistemi Aerospaziali II 6 cfu it
Meccanica del Volo - modulo: Prestazioni 6 cfu it   Meccanica del Volo - modulo: Manovre e Stabilità 6 cfu it
Aerodinamica 9 cfu it        
III Year
I Semester   II Semster
Tecnologie dei Materiali Aerospaziali 6 cfu it   Propulsione Aerospaziale 9 cfu it
Metodi Numerici in Ingegneria Aerospaziale 6 cfu it   Probabilità e Statistica 6 cfu it
Elettromagnetismo ed Elettrotecnica - modulo: Fisica Generale II 6 cfu it   Elettromagnetismo ed Elettrotecnica - modulo: Elettrotecnica 6 cfu it
Costruzioni Aerospaziali I 6 cfu it        


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